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John Coloso

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5 Steps to Being Financially Healthy

| July 01, 2022

Being financially healthy looks different for everyone and every life stage. But what almost everyone can agree on are the benefits of creating positive habits to improve the health of your finances over the long term. Use these strategies to get started on your way to financial wellness.

1. Evaluate Your Expenses

You may have a general idea of what your regular expenses are, but it’s a good idea to look at your bank statements to get a better picture of exactly how much money you spend.

Having accurate numbers of what you spend can help you identify areas where you could be spending too much and can afford to cut back. You know approximately how much you spend eating out for one meal, but do you know how much that adds up to over a month? Put your actual expenses into focus.

2. Increase Your Net Income

Everyone wants to make more money, but unfortunately, that’s not something you have a lot of control over. Increasing your net income isn’t only about earning more – it’s also about spending less.

After you take a good look into your finances, find areas where you can cut back. There may be some areas of your finances where you’re spending money unnecessarily. Use these funds for more practical purposes like paying off debt, creating an emergency fund or saving for retirement.

3. Pay Off Debt

Paying off your debt can have a significant impact on the health of your finances. Having debt is often unavoidable, but the kind of debt that overwhelms your life is not financially healthy.

Reducing your debt will only serve you in the long run. Use methods like the snowball or avalanche method to get your debt under control. Once you’re no longer paying the principal and interest on your debt, you’ll have room to do with your money what you want.

4. Create a Financial Buffer

A financial buffer can come in the form of a designated emergency fund or adding to your existing savings account. What matters is that you have funds for the unexpected, whether that’s a repair, a bill or loss of income. Creating a buffer is about having some wiggle room within your finances.

An easy way to start saving is to set up automatic transfers. Most financial institutions can help you set up internal transfers, so your money moves from your checking to your savings account without you having to think about it.

5. Start Saving for the Future

The hardest part about saving for retirement is getting started. There are more interesting ways to use your money than putting it into an account and not spending it for 30 years. But starting to save now will better serve you in the future.

Putting money towards your retirement is about focusing on the future and your long-term financial goals. Put your freed-up funds to good use and start investing for retirement.

Improving your financial health isn’t a process that happens overnight. It’s a journey that will take time but will be worth it. If you need more help or need additional strategies to improve your financial health, contact the office.